Xanadu Rollerdisco @ Morley Rollerdrome

Tomas Ford… uh… straddles another photographer to a whimsical backdrop.

Gig date: Saturday 5th July, 2009

When was the last time you went rollerskating? I didn’t go to the Morley Rollerdrome often enough to remember what the place looked like, even though I live down the road from it. It would have been almost 20 years since I wore skates and there was a time I rollerbladded too- the blades are still in my closet!

Nevertheless, when I had heard about these monthly events at the Rollerdrome hosted by the Perth Roller Derby, I had to go check it out! The feeling of nostalgia and the chance to take photos for a “different” kind of event really urged me to get out there. The most recent event was the Xanadu Rollerdisco, complete with disco balls and rainbow-coloured lights as people, young and old, skated around the rink.

Xanadu Rollerdisco @ Morley Rollerdrome

Gennaia Febbraio from Brash & Sassy zooms around the rink!

I haven’t been taking photos much lately for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s Winter and that means the cold is making me lazy. Also, a lot of bands don’t seem to turn up until midway through Winter for the Splendour In The Grass festival over in Byron Bay, NSW. Well, that’s not necessarily true since there is always something happening each weekend. Secondly, I’ve wanted something as “different” as this event to keep my photography fresh and exciting. Bands are “kinda” getting boring to shoot, unless it’s a band I really want to see. The Rollerdisco night was perfect to try some new techniques and to challenge myself.

Xanadu Rollerdisco @ Morley Rollerdrome

Surprisingly enough, there was a pretty decent turnout. Not bad for only the third time this kind of event has been organised. Everyone seemed to have fun with live entertainment as people wobbled around trying to keep balance. Did I skate? Of course! I was so eager to get back into it that I had to confidence to skate and take photos AT THE SAME TIME. But no, I didn’t. It was too risky! So, when I got the chance, I put my camera gear away and wobbled around on the rink myself.

Xanadu Rollerdisco @ Morley Rollerdrome

Those who frequent the local music scene will definitely be familiar with Tomas Ford and his on-stage antics. He’s just the performer we need to sexy things up with the crowd. I liken him to Perth’s own version of Dan Deacon, with his electronic setup and nutty crowd interaction. A bit of a shame that most were busy skating to really be “touched” by his performance, but his character is so “out there” that it’s always fun to be a part of. Just look at the top photo and see how much FUN they’re having!

I look forward to more of these nights. Hopefully bring some friends and just have a gay old time. You know, in that retro kind-of way.

Check out the full gallery of photos at the FasterLouder gallery or a few more snaps on my Flickr photostream.